Sunday, April 27, 2014

Finding The Drinking Paint Party New York Bars And Studios Offer

By Eloise Hewitt

Many people are finding one of the creatively interesting events around the City That Never Sleeps. This will be a drinking paint party New York taverns, studios and bars offer for a different type of evening out. This is a great time to meet new people and do something that may not have occurred to you before.

These parties are very popular as most of the parties, or really classes, are full as soon as they are announced. People are very interested in doing things that they might excel at and this gives the perfect opportunity. Across the United States there are these types of events and New York has a few more, per population, than other states.

Finding out everything you need to know can be as easy as logging onto one of the many websites that list the times and dates in your area. Many websites concentrate on the New York area and others will list those for events across the country. The information will include videos that will show the fun being had and allow registering for the next event. Some will accept payment through various methods and all will point out the fun that can be had.

Everything will be supplied for the creative juices to flow properly. The easels, paint, brushes and the wine will be on display for use. There will usually be a few selections of wine and some venues will offer beer and soft drinks as well. Some of these parties are held in private homes and they will be open to bring your own wine or beer.

With all of the supplies available and all of the fun envisioned as well as all of the ambiance of a professional studio, the best part is still to be found. That element that the whole evening is based on will be the local artist that will be conducting the class. They will present the painting for the evening and answer questions about how they view this particular image in the overall scheme of things.

All artists will have their own genres and their own ways of looking at things around them. Each one of these types of representations will be made available because of the artists being involved. The types of paintings will be listed so that care can be taken, by potential students, to schedule those they are interested in. Some artists will be in to surrealistic and others more realistic ideas. Still life, scenic images and many others will be presented at different classes throughout the area.

Every party will proceed in a similar manner. The participants will come in and meet new people. They will be able to chat with friends and strike up competitions with those around them, although this is not necessary. The time commitment will be about two to three hours and the atmosphere will be friendly and relaxed.

That particular artist will circulate and assist in understanding what is expected from the party goers. Appropriate brush strokes will be demonstrated and different techniques for rendering the subject will be shown and practiced. The ability for all members to come in and enjoy themselves while still creating something that can be hung up will carry the evening.

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