Thursday, March 15, 2018

Six Totally Fun Things To Do In Sault Ste Marie

By Paul Wood

One of the territories that are always vibrant with tourism in Canada is the Great Lakes region. Every year, tourists visit the pristine lands within the area to camp and explore the wildlife. If your tour date is fast approaching, here is a sneak peak on a few of the fun things to do in Sault Ste Marie.

The weather pattern in the area is known to change quite drastically. With variations part and parcel of the climate, the tour firms operating in the area have created lots of packages to suit the changing weather patterns. Nevertheless, you might want to pack some warm clothes to stay safe against the uncertainty.

One of the all time favorite activities for many tourists who love the outdoors is rock climbing. There are adventure groups that specialize in offering tours to the best rock and ice formations in the locality. Ice climbing is always recommended during the winter, while rock climbing is a top summer outdoor activity.

Many adventure seekers also love to go biking. There is one dirt pack that is quite popular among the local biking community. Enthusiastic bikers flock it regularly to practice on their biking skills. It only takes a few hours to grasp some of the advanced techniques used in the sport. The facility is always open throughout the summer months.

If you love fishing, the St. Marys River Rapids should be your next stop. The river comes out of Lake Superior and drains its waters in Lake Huron. The fish tend to love the fast flowing waters of the rapids. Some of the species that are abundant in the water include Chinook, Atlantic salmon, pink salmon, steelhead, brown trout, whitefish and rainbow trout. You may come with your own gear or hire it on site.

You should also include the Agawa Canyon Tour Train in your schedule. The train courses its way away from the city due north, with lots of spectacular sites to check out en route. The landscape through the entire journey is dotted with spectacular lakes and rivers, with the canyon marking the end of the journey.

The train usually stops at the canyon for two hours, giving tourists ample time to explore the surrounding beauty. There is a lookout platform built 250 ft up in the rocks. Four magnificent waterfalls add up to the natural beauty.

Scuba diving is recommended for tourists who are enthusiastic about water sports. The Sault Scuba Center, a prime attraction, offers training to those who want to scuba dive. There are lots of interesting things to check out underwater.

A visit to the Runway Park should cap your tour. Here, you get to learn different racing techniques using rally cars, ATVs and bikes. The site owners have also built a bathroom facility, canteen and campground onsite. Without a doubt, this should be your go to place for that weekend family camping trip you have always thought about.

Be sure to work out the total cost of your trip before traveling. Furthermore, it is advisable to carry some extra cash just in case you run short of it. Since some sites require cash payment, you should not only rely on your credit card.

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