Thursday, March 15, 2018

Good Reasons Why People Opt To Become Surrogate Mothers

By Jerry Johnson

If you are thinking about surrogacy because you want to help a couple out: congratulations. This is a path that most people choose for more than just the money. One the invaluable reasons go ahead with the process that lies ahead is because you would be giving someone a priceless gift. Your sacrifice would afford a barren couple the opportunity to enjoy parenthood. Below are other reasons why people decide to become surrogate mothers.

The gift of being able to bear children is precious. Unfortunately, there are people who are simply unable to bear their own kids because of medical or genetic reasons. For them, the mere hope of having a little human that they can love and care for brings them immeasurable happiness. Therefore the greatest gift that anyone could give them is a child.

Unlike the myths that fly around, the majorities of surrogacy circles remain intact for a lifetime. If anything, the bond grows as the years go by. Irrespective of the paperwork involved, the arrangements made are not a transaction and therefore the odds are that the parties involved will have a lot of respect for each other.

Surrogacy will also be good for you in numerous ways. To begin with, the nobleness of your decision to help someone out will leave you with an immeasurable sense of accomplishment. The act of kindness will do good to your soul and such acts are even known to raise self-esteem. The fact that you will help someone else achieve dreams that were once impossible will certainly lift your spirit permanently.

It will not be necessary for you to go through the surrogacy journey alone. You will receive all the support that you need round the clock, from the start to the end. Through the IVF process, pregnancy, delivery and even post-delivery, an experienced social worker will be there to lend a hand. The intended parents will also provide any support that you may need.

The best part is that you would get to make the decision regarding the couple you want to help. You could choose from a range of backgrounds and you can also scrutinize the profiles and applications of different parents. With this, you can even choose to be of assistance to same gender parents. You can make a decision that is based on your values, your preferences or even your intuition.

Choosing to go through the surrogacy process will give you a golden opportunity to set a good example within your community. Such an arrangement will also see you turn into a mentor for not just your kids, but also for other children within your neighborhood. After all, your actions would make a statement of kindness and selflessness.

Finally, you would get to be part of an outstanding group of people. Joining a surrogate mother community is both fulfilling and meaningful. One of the greatest myths flying around is that all people who choose surrogacy do so for the money. On the contrary, statistics show that the world is filled with beautiful and exceptional souls.

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