Saturday, June 23, 2018

Embracing Your Cat's Inner Wildcat Foundation

By Richard Sanders

Any cat owner knows that it is impossible to train a cat and make them lose their natural instincts. They will play with you and give you affection when it suits them; they cannot be controlled. However, unfortunately they can be dulled down, which is why it is important to build up their inner wildcat foundation so that they can remain wild at heart.

Some cats are forced to become indoor cats and this can happen for any number of reasons. Sometimes it is as simple as living next to or near a busy road. Sometimes it is due to Feline AIDS or some other condition. Whatever the reason, it is important that these cats have the opportunity to run wild and behave like normal cats, despite their restrictions.

There are a number of things that you can do to help your indoor cat. Setting up an area that can be its den is important to allow it time alone to recharge and escape everyone. You can also install climbing frames and ceiling-high cat trees so that it can stretch and exercise. The more complicated the better as it lets the cat explore.

For cats that have no outside access, it is important to give them as much natural sunlight as possible. They will still seek out dark and quiet areas to relax in, but it is good for their health to have sunshine when they need it, even if this has to be from a window or sunlight. Quite often they will choose to sit at the window and look outside.

For outdoor cats it is much easier to encourage their natural wild behaviour. If you do not have a garden or yard space they will likely find somewhere nearby that does have one. But if you do, make the most of it by adding a climbing frame or growing trees to allow the cat to explore, climb and hunt. Cats sleep a lot, but it is better to allow them to tire themselves out in this way.

Any owner with an outdoor cat knows how horrible it is when they bring you a mouse. Their intentions are good and it is probably a genuine gift, but seeing a dead or dying creature at your feet is a little heartbreaking. It is even worse when you see your cat find joy in tormenting and playing with their prey before they kill it. Sadly though, this is all part of being a cat and cannot be changed.

Playing with them is an essential part of unleashing their inner wildcat. You don't need any expensive equipment for this and can use bits of threads, small balls or even a laser pen. Playing with them before you feed them is a good way to establish the hunt and kill instincts in them, as this is how they behave in the wild.

A happy cat is one that is free to sleep, eat, hunt and explore whenever they want to. As they grow older they become much more lazy and predictable, but cats always have the desire for freedom. By tapping into their natural wild instincts you are giving them the freedom to behave exactly as they want to, whatever odd and unusual behaviour that might be.

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