Thursday, March 8, 2018

Seattle Writing Classes For Your Career And Personal Advancement

By Walter Patterson

You want to better your writing skills and are considering taking courses in this subject area. Seattle writing classes will offer you the instruction you need to become the proficient and confident writer that you strive to be. It will be money well spent as this is a skill that everyone uses in both their daily lives and the work world.

The first step may be to brush up on grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Your instructor may review nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech. This may sound very elementary to you, but many adults no longer recall what these terms mean. She will describe the relationships of these parts of speech in a complete sentence and provide examples.

Punctuation will also be reviewed. The points covered would include how to place quotation marks, how to use parentheses, and comma placement within a sentence or phrase. The use of exclamation points and question marks will also be taught. Periods are simple, but everyone could always use a good review on this. The instructor will provide strong examples for illustration of each type of punctuation.

Sentence structure is extremely important. Many individuals write the way they talk - in incomplete sentences, using run-on sentences, and using slang and inappropriate wording. Taking a course such as this will guide you into writing and speaking clear, complete, and concise sentences. These skills will make your communication much easier to interpret and understand.

Young and old have been having more problems with spelling ever since texts were introduced. An excellent writer must spell correctly and stop depending completely on spell-check on his computer or laptop. Even when this resource is utilized, spelling may become an issue when words sound exactly the same but have different definitions. Errors may not show up on your screen when this happens. Practice by looking up the correct spelling of words that are not so familiar to you or bigger words that you never knew how to spell.

How you lay out your written work on paper is also covered in these courses. Topics such as the best size and quality of paper to use, spacing, and font size and variety will also be conveyed to you and your classmates. These are especially important if you are employed in a field where you work in newspapers, advertising, or the internet.

A qualified instructor will teach you how to make your words flow in stories, articles, assignments, and other written work. She will give you tips on checking yourself and your progress. For example, reading your work out loud can help a person identify grammatical and spelling errors or improper wording.

Knowing how to write well will give you a skill set that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Letters, reports, resumes, email messages and even texts will be easier for the recipient of your written work to read and understand. You will be able to advance in your career much more rapidly if you have strong communication skills. Strong writing skills identify you as well educated and highly communicative.

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