Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Everyone Should Have A Mountain Spring Water Delivery Service

By Essie Osborn

Unless you live and work in an area that is near a clean, fresh, mineral spa, bottled aqua pura is the way to go for the best quality and taste. Every residence and business should subscribe to a mountain spring water delivery service.

Your body is made up of nearly two-thirds H2O, so it does make sense that you should maintain at least this level of hydration during the day. It is recommended that you drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of it on a daily basis. Keep a glass or a bottle near you and sip from it throughout the day. If you wait until you are thirsty to get off your lazy butt and seek fluids, you are already on your way to performance-impairing dehydration.

Even a minute drop in hydration translates into a significant reduction in performance. This happens whether you are at home, work or in school. Housework and studying aside, you do need a certain amount of strength to operate the remote for the television.

Your entire body needs to have the correct fluid balance if it is going to tick over the way it is supposed to. Liver, kidneys, intestines, heart and especially the brain, need to be caressed by the right amount of fluid. The skin is the largest organ in your body; it, too, needs plenty of unadulterated fluids. Don't forget the brain; cognitive function is the first to suffer. If it is a hot day and you are feeling groggy or fuzzy-headed, head for the nearest drinking fountain.

Fluid loss occurs through evaporation through the skin and the formation of urine and stool. These routine losses are exacerbated through strenuous exercise, high altitudes, warm weather and even in seniors, who may not have as sharp a sense of thirst as when they were younger. Central heating in the winter months can create a dry environment, leading to fluid loss.

Why is replacing water so important? Your body needs fluid for a number of essential processes. It needs water to make saliva, to transport, digest and absorb nutrients and for the maintenance of optimal body temperature. It is also critical to avoid becoming constipated. If your body gets the notion that it is not properly hydrated, your colon will take it back from the stool.

Don't like being constipated? Who does? This is another reason to make sure you are getting plenty of fluids. If you don't drink enough, your stingy colon will draw it back out from the stools. This will impair your desire to exercise. Speaking of exercise, dehydration can cause muscle fatigue. Scientists recommend drinking about 17 ounces every two hours before beginning to exercise. You should also consume fluid at intervals while you are exercising to replace fluids that are lost through sweating (sorry, perspiration in females).

The quality of the water you drink is every bit as important as the amount. While several acts of legislation passed in the 1970s ensure that community supplies are free from harmful microorganisms, this is at the expense of chemical purity. While the filters and chemicals used to keep supplies clean won't hurt you, they are certainly unappetizing. If what comes out of your faucet smells, tastes or looks funny, consider using bottled supplies, even for boiling things like pasta or potatoes.

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