Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Perfecting Your Restaurant Concept Design With A Consultant

By Essie Osborn

The ingredients to running a good restaurant, and a good restaurant business, is the proper mix of good food, great staff and a good restaurant dining atmosphere. The latter can be had depending on a lot of facts of how your restaurant is laid out, arranged, or even lit. As this is quite a major factor to consider in opening up your new facility, or branch, you need to take this factor seriously. In this case it may be a good idea to hire the services of a restaurant concept design specialist.

Maximizing satisfaction both for you and your customers by having a good environment to work and eat in is what this specialist is trained to do. He or she has the extra additional skills alongside hotel and business management concepts to assist you in modifying or making your design paradigms better. This assisting and help comes with a fee of course.

Discussion and negotiations go best when there is a point of reference to discuss. This point of reference can come in the way of notes or outlines of your idea on paper. Try to get your thoughts organized accordingly on paper in outline or bullet form so you can have a springboard for discussion.

It would also help if you have a visual representation of what you want. Try to get yourself to draw what you need for your own design concept. Lacking this, you can always do intensive research on the internet to try to look for a design that will approximate what you want or need. Print this out or copy it and show it at your consultation.

Once you have gotten all your notes, illustrations and such, then explained this your consultant, the next step will be to stay quiet. Let your consultant give you his or her ideas without interruption and see if you are on the same wavelength. Seek for points of whether your idea seems plausible or not as they make their pitch. Also fish for more ideas to improve or discard your current idea.

Keeping an open mind during all your discussions is also very important and highly recommended. Try to understand that even if it is your idea it may still be far from perfect. Try to be calm when criticisms and suggestions come up and do not take it as a personal attack on your own person.

Once a layout has been done or redone as the case may be, look it over very carefully. Look for areas where poor lighting may be a problem, as in the case of areas with pillars and columns. Also keep an eye out where potential bottlenecks may occur, especially near doors and high traffic areas of the kitchen and dining areas. Fix this soon as soon as you see it.

And also take into account the major type of clientele you will be serving for this will affect your overall layout. A fast food place will have different sets of problems connected with layout as compared to a fined dining situation. Adjust your design according to what kind of business plan or strategy you may have.

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