Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Do Online Reviews Impact Long Island SEO?

By Rob Sutter

Whenever you have a spectacular meal or an overall pleasant experience at a location, you might feel compelled to talk about it. The Internet provides us with a platform to do so, whether you're a fan of Yelp or some other related service entirely. Did you know, though, that online reviews can impact Long Island SEO? For those that are new to search engine optimization or would like to simply brush up on the matter, read on.

According to reputable marketing authorities like, reviews matter more than simply in terms of quantity. As a matter of fact, the ones that provide the most SEO juice tend to be the most positive ones. Not only are these well-written, but they speak highly about businesses, whether it's the service they provide, the products they're known for, or what have you. Quality is just as important as quantity in Long Island SEO.

Let's say that you search for a restaurant on Google; what are some of the first results that you see? Online reviews will probably catch your attention off the bat, and there is a reason for this. They gain the most traffic courtesy of those that are searching for information. Not only does a user want to know what the restaurant in question offers, but the type of experience that it provides. The more clicks that reviews gain, the higher their positions in search engine results become.

When online reviews are created, so is a slew of original content. This matters to search engines, as they look for originality in whatever is posted or shared online. Businesses benefit from this, as this ensures that their SEO efforts continue. When content ceases to be created, rankings will either stop progressing or even fall. Original content matters and reviews will be able to supply it in a continuous fashion.

Even though reviews play a major role in Long Island SEO, it goes without saying that this isn't the only contributing factor. Company owners must be able to create websites that function well, not to mention include ample information. Furthermore, they should include a healthy amount of links, which are one of the most important aspects of SEO in general. When elements like these come together, better marketing strategies are created.

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