Sunday, July 3, 2016

How To Make Garden Veggie Patties

By Peter Turner

Most individuals love a good cheeseburger, hamburger or chicken fried steak. There are now vegetable alternatives of these items in many grocery and health food markets. While this is the case, most are often quite expensive in comparison to making garden veggie patties at home.

While some recipes are better than others, there is one recipe which is quite flexible when it comes to preparation. As with the frozen version, this recipe will assure alternative burgers maintain shape and size while cooking. It should be noted that while eggs are the best binder, vegans can easily substitute Nayonaise, a vegan brand of mayo for the eggs.

One of the best recipes calls for equal parts oats, rice and lentils along with a binder. After which, individuals can add a number of vegetables such as onion, bell peppers and greens such as finely chopped spinach, mushrooms or both. If desiring to make faux chicken fried steak, eliminate the vegetables, freeze the patties for 24-48 hours, then dredge in flour and fry in about 1/4 to 1/2 inch cooking oil in a shallow non-stick frying pan.

While there are several black bean, chicken, soy bean, vegetable and veggie protein burgers now on the market, these items can all be made easily at home. For example, when making chicken patties, simply replace the lentils with a can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans. To convert burgers to sausage patties, simply add a few tablespoons sage to the mix without adding the vegetables. One of the only store bought items that is difficult to make at home is that of veggie bacon though it can be done by using vegetable protein, then adding spices and cutting into strips.

For those who can afford to buy these store bought versions, it is often easier and takes far less time to prepare. Others, who can not afford many of these high priced alternatives may want to attempt making these and other items at home. When it comes to sausage, the recipe is basically the same as home made vegetable burgers, just add a touch of black pepper and about two tablespoons of sage to the mix.

There are a number of meat, pork and poultry alternatives which can be made from this basic mix. These include, veggie burgers, chicken fried steak, meatballs and other items. When desiring to make a good vegetable chicken patty, simply replace the lentils with garbanzo beans or chickpeas. Then, season, shape and size the patties before freezing for 24-48 hours. After which, individuals can serve these different foods as desired.

Professionals and home chefs alike love to use different spice blends when cooking each batch of these items. While contents are often similar, each serving will have a different taste than the last. Some great spices that can be added to the mixture include teriyaki or soy sauce, maple spice powder, seasoned salt and others.

When storing, it is important to use a closed container. Otherwise, these alternatives can experience freezer burn quite quickly. A good storage source for many are the plastic coffee cans which Folgers, Yuban and other coffees are now marketed. In addition, by reusing these and other containers once empty, individuals are also helping the planet.

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